Fugee HiEd

Fugee HiEd Scholarship

As Fugee and other organisations strive to solve the primary and secondary education gap, there is very little being done on Higher Education. At present only 5% of refugees globally are enrolled into Higher Education and that number is less than 1% for refugees in Malaysia.

Fugee’s Higher Education (HiEd) Scholarship is a Bachelor’s degree scholarship, awarded to qualified and deserving refugee students living in Malaysia. Through this program, scholars receive free tuition, mentorship, and extensive career and development opportunities. 

Scholars are selected based on merit, their passion for education, choice of career and improving communities. We promote refugees to be self-reliant and proactive and hence we search for these qualities in potential Scholars.

Our Scholars

The Youth Academy’s flagship Scholarship Program currently supports 5 exceptional students from Pakistan, Palestine and Afghanistan. This is the first program in South East Asia exclusively for refugees. It has been established in support of the UNHCR's 15by30 Roadmap and in recognition of the difficulties, both financial and otherwise, faced by refugee students in accessing higher education in Malaysia.

Climbing up the Ladder

By receiving a quality higher education degree, refugees are able to access better jobs and integrate into society while contributing to the economy. Increasing the number of graduates will allow refugee communities to uplift themselves from economic deprivation. This is especially important as upon resettlement or repatriation, these young adults will be required to face new challenges to rebuild their lives.

We champion their access to education, they secure their future.

Stick the Landing

As refugee communities are vulnerable socioeconomically, the major issue that knocks them off their education path is financial burden. Without a right to work, families often struggle to make a living and the costs of a University is impossible to sustain. For families that can afford the education, the choices are limited. Locally, there are a couple institutions that allow refugees to study on-campus, but the majority refuse admission to refugees. However, there still remain alternatives such as receiving a degree online from local or international universities. Unfortunately, the youth remain vastly uninformed of their options. Without proper guidance, they also are unable to envision a career plan.

Fugee HiEd Alumni

The Key Problems:

Financial Instability

Limited Institutions for Admission

Lack of Information Resources

Building Changemakers

The Fugee HiEd Scholarship provides more than just financial aid to refugee students in Malaysia. Alongside the financial award, the Scholarship program offers scholars modules that will assist in their self-development journey, professionally and personally.

Less Stress

Covers full tuition fees for the duration of a Bachelor’s degree

Role Model

Mentored by industry professionals

Change Starts Within

Access to networking opportunities, educational resources, and workshops

Pay it Forward

Encourage scholars to volunteer with their communities and lead impact

Sharper Focus with FutureLab

FutureLab is our official mentorship partner. They are a Social Enterprise that connects graduates and young professionals to industry mentors to be prepared for the future of work. In this collaborative partnership, Fugee Scholars have access to mentors who can guide them to make impactful career decisions. Young minds are heavily influenced by the media and overstimulating environments.

Partner’d Up!

In the long term, Fugee hopes to extend its scholarship opportunities to more nations in the Southeast Asia region. Hence we have to be connected with leading organisations to make this a reality. Fugee works very closely with the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), Connected Learning in Crisis Consortium (CLCC) and Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network (APRRN) to assess the on ground situation of refugees in Malaysia to provide bigger and better solutions to the higher education crisis.

Give Gradually, Send a Youth to University

We are very thankful for the community that we rely on who support our initiative to send refugee youths to University. You can sponsor a student today by visiting our project site below. Your funds will go to a refugee student’s education and to Fugee to build greater outreach programs within the region.